Yeas and Nays of the Oxford Comma

Are you team Oxford comma or not? Not quite sure where you stand in this controversial grammar debate? Check out our rundown of the entire argument and decide for yourself because, at the end of the day, it’s a matter that defines your personal style. For more on grammar visit the fun, comprehensive, and free […] ...

Word Trivia for English Language Lovers

Calling all you wonderful word nerds! In a celebration of one of the most popular lingua franca on the planet, we have gathered a few little-known English facts that may shock, surprise and delight. There are thousands of words in the English language. Make sure your work uses those words correctly with an EasyBib Plus […] ...

What’s the Difference Between a Hyphen and a Dash?

They might all look like lines on a page, but hyphens and dashes serve different purposes. To begin, a hyphen (-) is shorter than a dash (–). Hyphens join words together and dashes indicate range. But that’s just the beginning. If you really want to keep these lines straight, read on. What is a hyphen? […] ...