Using Technology to Connect Your Students to the World

This is a contributed post from Billy Krakower, co-authored with Jerry Blumengarten. Connecting students in today’s fast-paced world is important, as students use their devices constantly, but need to find ways to do it educationally and responsibly. As educators, we need to expand our reach beyond our classroom walls. In 2012, I began participating in […] ...

Let’s Have a Chat: Teaching Students that Writing is a Conversation

When I sit at the teacher table during lunch, I’m not looking for my colleagues to speak with formality as though I’m conducting an interview. I’m also not looking for them to say things that are inappropriate and offensive. I’m looking for them to engage in a conversation in which they use their authentic voices […] ...

How Savvy are Your Students?: 7 Fake Websites to Really Test Their Evaluation Skills

Looking to test your students’ capabilities at figuring out if a website is real or not? Use these fake websites to help, but be careful! Looks may deceive you! Some of these sites are tougher to catch than others. GenoChoice: Create Your Own Genetically Healthy Child Online GenoChoice gives parents the opportunity to genetically modify their […] ...

Finding Your Student’s Voice Through Blogging

Blogging. Without question one of the most powerful ways to communicate in the 21st century. The question becomes, how can we effectively put this incredible tool into the hands of our students? This is the question I asked myself as I was trying to do just that. I wasn’t sure exactly how I was going […] ...

Project-based Learning: What It Is and How It Benefits Students

Project-based learning has proven to be one of the most effective ways to engage students and provide a practical application for what they’re learning. Rachelle Dene Poth shares her insights into what project-based learning looks like, and how it helps students master key skills as they complete each project. Read on for some tips and helpful […] ...

A Guide to Helping Your Students Through the Writing Process

Sometimes, when you assign students a writing task, they immediately balk. For students, writing assignments can be overwhelming – there are so many components for them to keep track of that they often don’t even know how to start. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Technology makes it easier than ever for students […] ...

Helping Students Organize Their Thoughts Before They Write

Students often find that organizing their thoughts can be one of the toughest parts of the writing process. They can find the information, jot down ideas, and even take good notes, but they struggle to arrange their thoughts into a cohesive structure that helps them communicate their ideas.   The way students organize their notes can have a […] ...

Help Your Students Conquer the Dreaded Blank Page

For students who LOVE to write, there are few things more exciting than a blank page. They don’t see white space; they see opportunity, and they can’t wait to get started. For many students, however, the opposite is true; just the sight of all that white, empty space fills them with dread. For them, the […] ...