How To Use Perfunctory In A Sentence

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This convenient guide will show you how to use perfunctory in a sentence appropriately. You will learn the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and the types of connotations the word can carry. 

Usage for perfunctory

Definition: An action or function performed without enthusiasm or effort

Part(s) of speech: adjective

Antonyms: precise, careful, detailed

Synonyms: cursory, superficial, careless


Let’s look at a few examples of how to use perfunctory in a sentence!

  • He was dreadfully uninterested in his duties and gave the list of responsibilities only a perfunctory review.
  • The young lady’s mind drifted further and further away. She was able to give her friend’s troubles only a perfunctory moment of attention.
  • The investigation was only a formality, so the detectives gave the crime scene only a perfunctory glance.
  • He dismissed her with a perfunctory smile and continued about his day.
  • While he promised precise work, all his tasks were completed in a perfunctory manner.
  • I graded his essay and found his research to be perfunctory at best.
  • The audience gave perfunctory applause to the tasteless performance.
  • Allan was never serious about school and studied only in a perfunctory way.
  • He gave his wife a goodbye kiss so often it had become perfunctory.
  • I was dreadfully sick, and still, my doctor only feigned interest and gave me a perfunctory diagnosis.
  • That waitress wasn’t very good. She never made eye contact and gave us perfunctory service.
  • I performed the same tasks every day for years so they eventually became perfunctory.
  • The radio show host was so busy setting up for the next segment that he gave me a perfunctory greeting.
  • How did I find his performance? Careless and perfunctory. I would not recommend him for the position.
  • Casey gave nothing more than a glance and a perfunctory wave to greet me.

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