Flier vs Flyer

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Flier and flyer are two words that sound the same but have different meanings, especially when they are used in American and British English. Flier is a noun that generally refers to “a person, object, or animal that flies.” Moreover, flier is the accepted spelling in American English. A flyer, on the other hand, is a noun that refers to “a pamphlet or small advertisement on a handout.” Flyer is the accepted spelling in British English. However, in each regional usage, the respective spelling an be used to cover both meanings of the word. As we will see, there are exceptions to this rule.

Here are some definitions and examples to help make the use of these words clearer.

Flier (noun)

A person, object, or animal that flies


I was surprised to see that my credit card offers bonuses for those who are frequent fliers.

Many people think that every bird is a flier, but there are actually a large number of flightless species.

In this spelling, flier generally refers to something that flies, either by nature, for work, or for pleasure. Remember that it can also, less commonly, refer to the below definition, even in American English.

Flyer (noun)

A pamphlet or small advertisement on a handout


My boss has asked me to design a flyer for the Christmas party next month.

I ended up going to the concert last night because of how interesting the flyer looked.

In this instance, a flyer is a pamphlet or handout. When used this way, flyer is also acceptable in American English.

Main Points

  • Flier is a noun that generally refers to something or someone who flies. It is most commonly used in American English.
  • Flyer is a noun that generally refers to pamphlet or paper advertisement. It is most commonly used in British English.
  • Remember that each word can carry both meanings if it is used in its regional English. However, flyer can be used to refer to pamphlet, even in American English.

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